A selection of NDFC journals.


Transactions of the Newbury District Field Club.

Since the foundation of the Field Club in 1870 its journal, The Transactions of the Newbury District Field Club, has been a publication of record for research in the Newbury area. Publication has been irregular and continued until 2003. Attempts to start publishing again have been thwarted by printing costs and lack of willing volunteers. We hope to index the files for volumes 1 to 7 during 2024 so that researchers can find useful articles.

All volumes can be found in the care of the library in Newbury Museum. Transactions booklets 13 -14 are also available in the Newbury library reference section. In the museum we also have a lot of local history books. A list of titles will be added soon once we have checked the inventory. Many date to the 1800’s and are very interesting.

An index to volumes 8 -14 is available as a pdf below, thanks to Jeremy Taylor from the Royal Berkshire Archives for his work on this index.

We have a few shelves of old reference books in Newbury Museum. A list of of them can be found here.https://www.librarything.com/catalog/NDFC&format=1

Walter Money was possibly the first person to chronicle the history of Newbury, and he was a long time member of Newbury District Field Club. He served as secretary and in his term of office he had the transactions books printed. Volume five was presented to him by the printers and he has added letters and newspaper cuttings into it, making a small insight to his academic life. Here is a list of his works which you can download to read. https://onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu/webbin/book/lookupname?key=Money%2C%20Walter%2C%201836%2D This page shows our first copy of transactions from 1871. How did it get to America?